Striped Bark Scorpion Species Names: A Guide

The striped bark scorpion gets great reviews, rating 4.8 out of 5 stars from 363 people. It is really popular in the United States. You can find it often because it’s part of the Buthidae family. It’s known by its Latin name, Centruroides vittatus (Say).

This scorpion stands out because it has thin pedipalps, a long tail, and two dark stripes on its back. These features make it easy to spot.

The striped bark scorpion loves living in Texas. They are found near trees and walls. They also like rough places. This scorpion hides in cool, moist ground under rocks and logs.

It likes to be where there’s a lot of nature, like fallen trees or piles of leaves. When it gets too hot and dry, they go inside houses. Here, they can live in comfort because of the air conditioning.

This guide will show you a lot about the striped bark scorpion. You’ll learn about its family, how to tell it apart from others, where it lives, and what makes it special.

The Striped Bark Scorpion Species Names

The Striped Bark Scorpion is:

Centruroides vittatus

This is the scientific name for the species commonly known as the Striped Bark Scorpion. It’s found in the southern United States and northern Mexico.

There aren’t multiple species of “Striped Bark Scorpions.” However, there are other species in the genus Centruroides that are found in North and Central America. Some examples include:

  1. Centruroides sculpturatus (Arizona Bark Scorpion)
  2. Centruroides exilicauda (Baja California Bark Scorpion)
  3. Centruroides gracilis (Florida Bark Scorpion)
  4. Centruroides hentzi (Hentz Striped Scorpion)
  5. Centruroides guanensis (Guanacaste Bark Scorpion)

These are not all “striped bark scorpions,” but they are related species within the same genus.

Identifying the Striped Bark Scorpion

The striped bark scorpion is known as Centruroides vittatus. It’s a medium-sized arachnid. You can spot it by its unique look.

Adults can be 25mm to 70mm (0.98″ to 2.75″) long. They come in various colors like brown, ivory, and yellow.

Physical Characteristics

This scorpion stands out with two blackish stripes on its back. Even young ones show these lines. They have dark claws and a black tip on their tails.

You can also notice a dark triangle shape on their head by their eyes. Their thin claws and long, skinny tail are key signs too.

Distribution and Habitat

These scorpions are mostly in the south-central U.S. Their home stretches from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. They like areas with pine trees, rocks, grass, and junipers.

They live under rocks, logs, or in human homes. They use attics or indoor spaces, being good at climbing. Striped bark scorpions come out at night. They hide during the day to stay cool and keep water.


Geographic Distribution of Centruoides vittatus

The striped bark scorpion is also called Centruoides vittatus. Its scientific name was given by Say in 1821. It’s in the Kingdom Animalia, among other groups.

Centruoides vittatus is a common scorpion in the middle of the United States and north of Mexico. It can get up to about 70 mm long. The males have 21–30 pectinal teeth, while females have 20–27.

This scorpion lives in South-Central US states and the north of Mexico. It goes from Chihuahua and Coahuila in Mexico to Florida and Georgia. These scorpions have been seen in places they don’t usually live. This shows people might have helped them get there.

The Centruoides vittatus eats insects, small arachnids, and young of its kind. It’s social, which means they meet more and compete for mates. Getting stung by this scorpion is usually not dangerous. But some in its genus can be deadly, and you should see a doctor right away if stung.

Understanding the Bark Scorpion Life Cycle

The Bark scorpion life cycle is truly interesting. It starts with live birth. The mother carries her babies for about 8 months. Then, she gives birth to a group, usually 13 to 47 at once.

Mating and Reproduction

Mating and reproduction usually happen when it’s warm. This is from late spring to fall. After birth, the babies get on their mom’s back. Then they molt for the first time and start their own lives. They have about six molts before becoming adults.

Scorpions can slow down their bodies to very low levels. This helps them live longer without food or water. A scorpion mom can have many babies over her life, which can be 3 to 8 years long. Some scorpions may even live up to 20-25 years.

The growth and longevity of scorpions show how strong they are. They can live in many places. This makes them a great topic for people who love to learn about nature.


The striped bark scorpion, Centruroides vittatus, is a cool and common scorpion in the south-central USA. This guide has given a closer look at how to spot, where they live, and their life cycle. Learning about what makes them special helps us see the many types of scorpions and how they fit where they live.

The Centruroides vittatus is from the Buthidae family, the biggest and most dangerous scorpion family. There are over 2,500 kinds of scorpions around the world. While not many are risky for us, it’s good to know about the striped bark scorpion to stay safe in its areas.

The striped bark scorpion might not be very dangerous, but it’s found in lots of places and can live in different environments. Studying it more and other scorpions gives us clues about their changes over time, their life with nature, and their role in their homes. This helps us see the many cool things about nature and how strong it is.

Mark Lewis

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