Smokybrown Cockroach Species Names: What to Know

The smokybrown cockroach is a big type of cockroach. It can grow to be 32–35 millimetres long.

It’s similar to the American cockroach but has a different color. It’s mostly a light to dark brown or mahogany. You can tell it apart by its dark, shiny thorax. This cockroach eats many kinds of organic matter, including old stuff.

You can find the smokybrown cockroach in Japan, the southern U.S., and places with warm, tropical weather. It also lives in Australia and South America. Because it likes the heat, it avoids cold places. But, it might come indoors to survive in colder places. It usually hangs out around buildings, where it can find food and stay warm.

The smokybrown cockroach is specifically known as Periplaneta fuliginosa. However, if you are looking for a complete list of species within the genus Periplaneta, which includes the smokybrown cockroach, here it is (please note that all the below names starts with prefix “Periplaneta” e.g. Periplaneta Americana) :

  1. Fuliginosa – Smokybrown Cockroach
  2. Americana – American Cockroach
  3. Australasiae – Australian Cockroach
  4. BrunneaBrown Cockroach
  5. Japonica – Japanese Cockroach
  6. Aboriginea
  7. Arabica
  8. Arcaniformis
  9. Chapmani
  10. Consobrina
  11. Decipiens
  12. Fossulata
  13. Fuliginoides
  14. Hanae
  15. Inaccessibilis
  16. Insularis
  17. Intermedia
  18. Karnyi
  19. Lateralis
  20. Liturata
  21. Longipennis
  22. Magnifica
  23. Periplaneta minor
  24. Minuta
  25. Nitida
  26. Opaca
  27. Propinqua
  28. Pyrhocephala
  29. Rufipes
  30. Sapucayensis
  31. Semivitta
  32. Sundaica
  33. Tibetana

This list provides the various species within the Periplaneta genus, which includes the well-known smokybrown cockroach.

Identifying the Smokybrown Cockroach

The Smokybrown Cockroach is easy to spot. It has a shiny, mahogany color. This cockroach is thin and long, with wings it uses to fly. At night, you might see them near lights because they like bright places.

Physical Characteristics

The Smokybrown roach has a different look than the American cockroach. It has a dark, shiny area on its thorax. Its antennae are very long. This roach is about 1.14 to 1.12 inches. It has wings that go past its belly.

These roaches live in warm and humid spots, like central Texas or Florida. They are also found in greenhouses in the Midwest. You can see them in places with leaves, wood, or plants. Sometimes they find their way into houses through small openings.

The American cockroach prefers dark, wet places like sewers and basements. But the Smokybrown roach is different. It flies around bright lights at night. It also likes to eat bird droppings, which can carry harmful germs.

Knowing how to spot the Smokybrown roach is key for controlling it as a pest. Learning about its look and where it lives helps. This way, people can stop an infestation quickly and effectively.

Smokybrown Cockroach Species Names

The Smokybrown Cockroach is also known as Periplaneta fuliginosa. It’s a type of cockroach that stands out. This bug has many names in science, like Kakerlac fuliginosa. It’s different from the American cockroach but has its own look and places it likes to live.

You can spot Smokybrown cockroaches in warm places like Texas and Florida. They love it outdoors but might come inside now and then. They’re good flyers and often seen in trees or on roofs looking for new homes.

This roach is a bit smaller than the American kind. It has a special reddish-brown shell. In places like California, it can be a pest. Yet, not as often as the German cockroach.

Though it can sneak into houses, you’ll mostly find the Smokybrown Cockroach outside. Knowing about it can help you deal with any bug problems better.


The smokybrown cockroach is a common pest found in many homes. It likes warm areas, like the southern U.S. and tropical places. You can tell it apart from other cockroaches by its dark brown color and big wings. Knowing its scientific name helps people deal with it better.

This cockroach is similar to others like the American, German, and Oriental Cockroaches. But, it has its own ways and places it likes to live. A good plan to stop it should consider these differences. This is important for both home owners and experts in pest control.

Understanding the smokybrown cockroach’s life and habits can help us fight it. We can keep our homes clean and safe by doing a few things. Using different methods together can really make a difference. This way, we can avoid letting the smokybrown cockroach and others spread in our houses and neighborhoods.

Mark Lewis

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