Scarab Beetle Species Names: A Comprehensive Guide

Did you know there are about 28,000 types of scarab beetles in the world? The Scarabaeidae family is large and diverse, found all over, especially in North America. These beetles come in many forms. For instance, the Dynastes beetle is big, reaching up to 160 mm. On the other hand, the Japanese beetle is quite tiny, measuring just half an inch. This shows the great variation in the beetle family with different sizes and behaviors.

For those who love plants or bugs, knowing about scarab beetles is important. They can be a big problem for gardens or simply interesting to study. In this guide, we will look into the world of scarab beetles. We will study their types, learn how to recognize them, and find ways to deal with any issues they cause.

Scarab Beetle Species Names

Here is a list of some Scarab beetle species names:

  1. Dynastes grantii – Grant’s rhinoceros beetle
  2. Dynastes hercules – Hercules beetle
  3. Chrysina gloriosa – Glorious scarab
  4. Chrysina resplendens – Resplendent scarab
  5. Phanaeus vindex – Rainbow scarab
  6. Euphoria sepulcralis – Burying beetle
  7. Cotinis mutabilis – Green June beetle
  8. Popillia japonica – Japanese beetle
  9. Polyphylla decemlineata – Ten-lined June beetle
  10. Scarabaeus sacer – Sacred scarab
  11. Trichiotinus assimilis – Assimilated flower beetle
  12. Cetonia aurata – Rose chafer

These are just a few examples; there are many more species of scarab beetles found worldwide, each with its unique characteristics and habitats.

Understanding the Diverse World of Scarab Beetles

Taxonomy and Classification

Scarab beetles are amazing bugs in the family Scarabaeidae. They are under the order Coleoptera, which includes all beetles. This family has many subfamilies like Aphodiinae, and Scarabaeinae.

There are about 28,000 different types of scarab beetles all over the world. Experts work hard to group them. Sometimes, they find they need to change where they put each beetle.

In North America, there are about 1,700 kinds of scarab beetles. They come in different sizes and colors. This makes them very interesting for people who love bugs and nature.

Scarab Beetle SubfamiliesKey Features
Cetoniinae (Flower Beetles)Known for their large size, reaching over 11 cm, and striking color patterns.
Dynastinae (Rhinoceros Beetles)Possess impressive horns, sometimes several centimeters in length, used for fighting between males.
Rutelinae (Shining Leaf-chafers)Include the Jewel Scarab Beetles, known for their luminous, iridescent appearance.
Scarabaeinae (Dung Beetles)Includes the culturally significant Sacred Scarab Beetle, a symbol of rebirth and everlasting life.

The subfamily Scarabaeinae is very interesting. It has about 4,500 known species. Dung Beetles are in this group. They help the environment by getting rid of animal waste.

Scarab beetles come in many shapes and sizes. Some are as small as a 0.08-inch pin. Others can grow as big as 6.7 inches. They weigh up to 3.5 ounces. Beetles live in a lot of places like rainforests and grasslands. They eat different things like plants, fruit, and dung.

The number of scarab beetles is not going down, even though people take them from the wild. They are still very interesting. Their special features and habits amaze everyone who learns about them.

More About Scarab Beetle Species

Scarab beetles live in a big, diverse world. They come in all shapes and sizes. This includes the big Hercules beetles and the small dung beetles. There are over 35,000 species. They all have their unique names and features.

The May beetle, also called the June beetle, is well-known. They are big and seen at night around lights. The Japanese beetle is another famous kind. It is not native to North America and harms plants.

Scarab beetles have unique clubbed antennae. They help smell and find their way. The African dung beetle Scarabaeus satyrus even uses the Milky Way to travel.

In the Scarabaeidae family, there are different groups. Some eat dung and are very important. For example, the Scarabaeinae group has over 5,000 dung beetles.

Common NameScientific NameSubfamilySizeHabitat
Hercules BeetleDynastes herculesDynastinaeUp to 7 inches (18 cm)Tropical forests of Central and South America
Japanese BeetlePopillia japonicaRutelinae0.5 to 0.8 inches (12 to 20 mm)Temperate regions of the United States and Canada
Dung BeetleScarabaeus sacerScarabaeinaeUp to 1.2 inches (3.2 cm)Mediterranean area, Africa, Asia, and South America

It’s very important to know scarab beetle species. This helps us understand their world and effects. By learning more, we see how amazing and important they are.


Scarab beetles are amazing in many ways. There are over 350,000 kinds known worldwide. They are among the largest families in the beetle group.

Nearly 30,000 types of beetles are found in the US. Scarab beetles help a lot as they break down things, fight off pests, and help plants grow by moving pollen.

It’s important to know about the different kinds of scarab beetles. This helps us save them and control the ones that harm us. Scarab beetles are known for their beautiful looks and what they mean in old stories.

Learning more about scarab beetles teaches us about life’s complex connections. More research and teaching about these bugs can help us keep nature in balance. This is very important for our world’s health.

Mark Lewis

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