Oriental Cockroach Species Names: A Comprehensive Guide

Cockroaches are everywhere, making them quite the success story in the insect world. There are over 3,500 types of cockroaches worldwide, with 55 found in the United States. Of these, the oriental cockroach, or Blatta orientalis Linnaeus, is a big problem in many U.S. areas.

This guide will talk about the names of the oriental cockroach. We’ll cover its official name and the names people commonly use, like “water bug” and “black beetle.” Let’s learn more about this known house pest.

The oriental cockroach is specifically known as Blatta orientalis. However, if you are looking for a complete list of species within the genus Blatta, which includes the oriental cockroach, here it is:

  1. Blatta orientalis – Oriental Cockroach
  2. Blatta furcata
  3. Blatta lateralis

This list provides the various species within the Blatta genus, highlighting the oriental cockroach as the primary and most well-known species in this group.

Introduction to the Oriental Cockroach

The oriental cockroach is a common household pest in the US. Known as the “black beetle” or “water bug,” it’s dark brown to black. It loves wet places and can carry diseases.

Blatta orientalis: The Scientific Name

The scientific name, Blatta orientalis, suggests where it comes from. “Orientalis” means it might be from Africa or southern Russia. However, it’s common in American homes now, especially in humid, dark areas.

This cockroach can have lots of babies. A female can lay up to 8 egg capsules, with about 16 eggs in each. It can live for 34-180 days as an adult. The eggs hatch in 42-81 days, depending on the temperature.

Don’t be fooled by its name; the oriental cockroach is everywhere, not just in the east. It’s in about 10% of homes globally, often along with the German cockroach (Blatta germanica). Its ability to spoil food and spread illnesses worries people and health officials.

Identifying the Oriental Cockroach

The oriental cockroach is also called Blatta orientalis. It’s a unique bug found in homes. You can tell it apart by its dark brown, almost black color. It’s bigger than some but not as big as others, reaching about 1 inch in length.

The oriental cockroach’s wings are different from other kinds. Males’ wings are big and cover most of their body. But females have small wings that don’t work for flying. This special wing design helps in recognizing them. It shows they can’t fly, unlike other cockroaches.

ColorDark brown to nearly black
SizeAdult males: 18–29 mm (0.71–1.14 in)
Adult females: 20–27 mm (0.79–1.06 in)
WingsMales have wings covering 75% of abdomen
Females have very short, rudimentary wings
HabitatCommonly found outdoors under mulch, leaves, stones, and in sewers and drains

The male oriental cockroach has a special feature. Between its body sections, it has jointed cerci called styli. This part helps to know it’s a male. With its size, dark color, and unique wings, it’s easy to spot the oriental cockroach in your home.

Oriental Cockroach Species Names

Common Names and Aliases

The oriental cockroach is known as Blatta orientalis. It’s a common pest with many names like “water bug” and “black beetle.” Other names include “shad roach,” “shad bug,” “baratic cockroach,” and “inkblot cockroach.”

The names show things like the roach’s dark color and it liking wet spots. Knowing the names helps people find and fight these bugs.

Common NameDescription
Water BugA reference to the oriental cockroach’s affinity for damp, moist environments.
Black BeetleDescribes the cockroach’s dark, shiny exoskeleton.
Shad RoachAn alternate name that likens the cockroach’s appearance to that of the shad fish.
Shad BugAnother name that draws a comparison to the shad fish.
Baratic CockroachA less common name that may be a variation of the scientific name “Blatta orientalis.”
Inkblot CockroachRefers to the dark, blotchy appearance of the oriental cockroach’s body.

Learn the many names for the oriental cockroach to find and stop them. These pests are tough and can take over homes.


In conclusion, the oriental cockroach is a common pest found in the U.S. It goes by many names, from its scientific one to “water bug” and “black beetle.” Knowing these names helps us fight infestations better.

This type of cockroach can make people sick by spreading bad germs. It’s about 1 inch big and seen more in summer. There are around 70 types of cockroaches in North America.

Understanding the names and features of the oriental cockroach is helpful. It lets homeowners and pest experts deal with infestations well. This guide is a key source for learning about this cockroach’s place in the U.S.

Mark Lewis

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