Longhorn Beetle Species Names: A Comprehensive Guide

In the Cerambycidae family, the longhorn beetle species show a wide variety. There are about 20,000 types found around the globe. This shows the great diversity of insects in our world. In the UK, there are over 60 kinds of longhorn beetles. Scotland has seen 28 species, proving these creatures are important.

Learning about longhorn beetles is fun and helps protect them. They are important for the forest because they help break down dead plants. This process keeps the forest healthy. Exploring this guide will help us understand these special beetles better.

Longhorn Beetle Species Names

Longhorn beetles belong to the family Cerambycidae, and they are known for their long antennae, often longer than their bodies. Here is a list of some notable longhorn beetle species:

Genus Acanthocinus

  1. Acanthocinus aedilis
  2. Acanthocinus griseus

Genus Agapanthia

  1. Agapanthia dahli
  2. Agapanthia villosoviridescens

Genus Anoplophora

  1. Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle)
  2. Anoplophora chinensis (Citrus Longhorned Beetle)

Genus Aromia

  1. Aromia bungii

Genus Batocera

  1. Batocera rufomaculata
  2. Batocera lineolata

Genus Callidiellum

  1. Callidiellum rufipenne

Genus Cerambyx

  1. Cerambyx cerdo (Great Capricorn Beetle)
  2. Cerambyx scopolii

Genus Chlorophorus

  1. Chlorophorus varius
  2. Chlorophorus sartor

Genus Clytus

  1. Clytus arietis
  2. Clytus ruricola

Genus Hylotrupes

  1. Hylotrupes bajulus (Old House Borer)

Genus Lamia

  1. Lamia textor

Genus Leptura

  1. Leptura quadrifasciata
  2. Leptura maculata

Genus Monochamus

  1. Monochamus scutellatus
  2. Monochamus sartor

Genus Neoclytus

  1. Neoclytus acuminatus (Redheaded Ash Borer)

Genus Phymatodes

  1. Phymatodes testaceus

Genus Prionus

  1. Prionus coriarius
  2. Prionus imbricornis

Genus Rosalia

  1. Rosalia alpina (Alpine Longhorn Beetle)

Genus Saperda

  1. Saperda carcharias
  2. Saperda populnea

Genus Stenocorus

  1. Stenocorus meridianus

Genus Trichoferus

  1. Trichoferus campestris

Genus Xylotrechus

  1. Xylotrechus colonus
  2. Xylotrechus stebbingi

This list includes some of the more well-known and notable species within the Cerambycidae family. The family comprises thousands of species across various genera, each with unique characteristics and distributions.

Exploring Longhorn Beetles

What are Longhorn Beetles?

Longhorn beetles are insects with very long antennae. They are part of the Cerambycidae family. This family has about 20,000 species all over the world.

In the UK, there are more than 60 known species, and 28 observed in Scotland. They are known for their colors and patterns that warn off other animals.

Life Cycle and Ecological Importance

These beetles start their life in old, dead wood filled with fungus. Some babies (larvae) are born in living trees. The young beetles eat wood, and this process takes 1 to 3 years.

As adults, these beetles drink nectar from flowers. They help the environment by recycling nutrients and being food for other animals. Longhorn beetles are important for nature’s balance.

Longhorn Beetle CharacteristicsDetails
Number of Species WorldwideApproximately 25,000 species
Size Range2 to 152 mm (less than 1/8 to about 6 inches), including antennae lengths
LifespanTypically 1 to 3 years in temperate regions, but cycles ranging from 2 to 3 months up to decades have been observed
Feeding HabitsLarvae mainly feed within dead, dying, or decaying wood, with some species also using living tissue. Adults feed on nectar from flowers.
Ecological RoleHelp decompose and recycle nutrients, serve as food source for other animals, and pollinate woodland flowers.

Longhorn beetle species Names

Prominent Longhorn Beetle Species

The Cerambycidae family has many longhorn beetle types. They are all special in their way. For example, the Musk Beetle has a musky scent and a shiny, greenish color. The Violet Tanbark Beetle shines in beautiful metallic colors like blue and green.

The Wasp Beetle looks like a wasp, with black and yellow stripes. On the other hand, the Basket Longhorn Beetle is tiny. The Timberman Beetle has really long antennae.

These beetles are cool examples of the many types out there. There are over 35,000 kinds of longhorn beetles in the world. This makes them great for learning and research.

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System (IFWIS) collects beetle data. They get it from many sources, like agency records and online submissions at https://idfg.idaho.gov/species. This data helps us learn more about the beetles in the area.

If you like bugs or nature, exploring longhorn beetles is very interesting. They come in all colors, like the Musk Beetle’s shiny look. The Wasp Beetle looks like a little wasp, which is neat. These amazing beetles are fun to learn about for anyone who loves nature.


Longhorn beetles are part of the Cerambycidae family. They are both interesting and important for nature. There are about 20,000 types of them around the world. In the UK, we know of over 60 kinds. They are a diverse group, from their long antennae to where they live and how they grow.

These beetles are key in forests. They help break down old things and turn them into new food. It’s important to know about the different longhorn beetle types. This helps us save them and understand the many insects we have around us. Saving them is a big deal, as seen in Canada with efforts to stop a harmful beetle.

Learning about longhorn beetles teaches us about the forest. They show us how everything in nature is linked. By valuing these insects, we can protect the woods they live in. This is important for keeping our earth healthy for the future.

Mark Lewis

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